It Is Better to Forgive...

As I was reading through accounts of the crucifixion during the administration of the Sacrament recently my mind lingered on Luke's account in chapter 23. There, while enduring the incomprehensible pain of crucifixion (23:33-34) and summoning strength only available to a God, he looked down to see soldiers gambling for his clothing. At this pathetic sight, rather than expressing anger or derision he pressed the limit of charity with the appeal, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". For me, this moment is the best example of the Savior's divinity in scripture and perhaps the moment he reached full perfection. As Alma explained, "And he will take upon him death..., that his bowels may be filled with mercy according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people...” (Alma 7:12, see also Heb 2:18). I reflected on, "for they know not what they do" since it seems the soldiers and all who had gathered to ...