The Joy of Christlike Mercy ~ by Kristin
“Natural” happiness needs no explanation. It basically involves freedom from suffering and abundance in the good things of creation. In a world where God permits suffering for our good, natural happiness will at times fail us. The more important point though, is that we're made for a greater happiness. Our hearts want “more.” Faith makes possible a new kind of happiness: Christlike happiness. What does Christ delight in? There are many facets to Christlike happiness, and of course we speak of the ineffable. I would like to meditate here on His mercy. Christ is merciful and delights in rejuvenating our lives through His mercy. Mercy presupposes sin, failure, and disappointment. Mercy is the balm applied to the wound. Mercy sees the good on the other side of the trial. Mercy is willing to suffer and patiently wait things out. Mercy trust in the goodness of God's mysterious plans. Mercy has a bad memory for what is inconsequential and lives in the abundance of the moment. Mercy k...